1. वर्णमाला (Varnamala) – The Alphabet
The Hindi alphabet, called वर्णमाला (Varnamala), consists of consonants and vowels.
- स्वर (Swar) – Vowels (अ, आ, इ, ई, उ, ऊ, ए, ऐ, ओ, औ, अं, अः)
- व्यंजन (Vyanjan) – Consonants (क, ख, ग, घ, ङ, च, छ, ज, झ, ञ, and so on)
- अ (a), आ (aa), इ (i), ई (ii)
- क (ka), ख (kha), ग (ga), घ (gha)
2. संज्ञा (Sangya) – Noun
संज्ञा (Nouns) are words that name a person, place, animal, or thing.
Types of Nouns:
- व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा (Proper Noun): Names of specific people or places.
- Example: राहुल (Rahul), दिल्ली (Delhi)
- जातिवाचक संज्ञा (Common Noun): General names for people, places, or things.
- Example: लड़का (boy), किताब (book)
- भाववाचक संज्ञा (Abstract Noun): Names of feelings or qualities.
- Example: सच्चाई (truth), मिठास (sweetness)
3. सर्वनाम (Sarvanam) – Pronoun
सर्वनाम are words used in place of nouns. They help avoid repetition.
- मैं (I)
- तुम (You)
- वह (He/She)
- यह (This)
- हम (We)
Example in sentence:
- राम स्कूल जाता है। (Ram goes to school.)
- वह स्कूल जाता है। (He goes to school.)
4. क्रिया (Kriya) – Verb
क्रिया (Verbs) are words that tell us what a person or thing does.
- खाना (eat), पीना (drink), चलना (walk), सोना (sleep)
Example in sentence:
- मैं खेलता हूँ। (I play.)
- तुम पढ़ते हो। (You read.)
5. विशेषण (Visheshan) – Adjective
विशेषण (Adjectives) are words that describe or give more information about a noun.
- लंबा (long), सफेद (white), मीठा (sweet)
Example in sentence:
- यह लड़का लंबा है। (This boy is tall.)
- वह सफेद बिल्ली है। (That is a white cat.)
6. पुरूष (Purush) – Gender
In Hindi, nouns and pronouns have gender. There are two genders:
- पुल्लिंग (Masculine): लड़का (boy), आदमी (man)
- स्त्रीलिंग (Feminine): लड़की (girl), महिला (woman)
Example in sentence:
- लड़का स्कूल जा रहा है। (The boy is going to school.)
- लड़की खेल रही है। (The girl is playing.)
7. वचन (Vachan) – Number
वचन refers to whether a noun is in the singular or plural form.
- एकवचन (Singular): एक बच्चा (one child)
- बहुवचन (Plural): कई बच्चे (many children)
Example in sentence:
- लड़की खेल रही है। (The girl is playing.)
- लड़कियाँ खेल रही हैं। (The girls are playing.)
8. वाक्य (Vakya) – Sentence
A वाक्य is a group of words that makes complete sense. It consists of a subject and a predicate.
- मैं स्कूल जाता हूँ। (I go to school.)
- तुम अच्छा गाते हो। (You sing well.)
9. प्रश्नवाचक शब्द (Prashnavachak Shabd) – Interrogative Words
These words are used to ask questions.
- कहाँ (Where)
- क्या (What)
- कौन (Who)
- क्यों (Why)
Example in sentence:
- तुम कहाँ जा रहे हो? (Where are you going?)
- क्या तुम खेलना चाहते हो? (Do you want to play?)
10. सम्बोधन (Sambodhan) – Addressing Someone
When you call or address someone directly, it’s called संबोधन.
- हे राम! (Oh Ram!)
- माँ, मुझे पानी दो। (Mother, give me water.)