synonyms class 7

What Are Synonyms?

Synonyms are words that mean the same or nearly the same as other words. Using synonyms in sentences helps you vary your language and express yourself more clearly.

For example:

  • Happy and Joyful are synonyms because both mean the same thing.

Examples of Common Synonyms:

  1. HappyJoyful
    • Example: She felt happy when she got a gift.
    • She felt joyful when she got a gift.
  2. BigLarge
    • Example: The big elephant walked into the jungle.
    • The large elephant walked into the jungle.
  3. FastQuick
    • Example: The fast runner won the race.
    • The quick runner won the race.
  4. SmartIntelligent
    • Example: He is a smart student.
    • He is an intelligent student.
  5. BeautifulPretty
    • Example: The beautiful flowers bloomed in the garden.
    • The pretty flowers bloomed in the garden.
  6. BraveCourageous
    • Example: The brave soldier fought in the war.
    • The courageous soldier fought in the war.
  7. AngryFurious
    • Example: She was angry when she lost her book.
    • She was furious when she lost her book.
  8. SmallTiny
    • Example: The small cat climbed the tree.
    • The tiny cat climbed the tree.