Noun Definition for Class 6

A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea. Nouns are one of the basic building blocks of a sentence. They can be the subject or object of a sentence and help us identify what we are talking about.

Types of Nouns:

  1. Proper Nouns: These are the names of specific people, places, or things.
    • Example: Delhi, Ravi, Ganga
  2. Common Nouns: These refer to general names of things, people, or places, not specific ones.
    • Example: city, boy, river
  3. Collective Nouns: These refer to a group or collection of people, animals, or things.
    • Example: team, family, flock
  4. Abstract Nouns: These refer to things we cannot see or touch, such as feelings, qualities, or ideas.
    • Example: happiness, bravery, freedom
  5. Concrete Nouns: These refer to things that we can see, touch, or measure.
    • Example: book, dog, house
  6. Countable Nouns: These are nouns that can be counted and have singular and plural forms.
    • Example: apple (singular), apples (plural)
  7. Uncountable Nouns: These refer to things that cannot be counted individually.
    • Example: water, sand, milk

Examples of Nouns in Sentences:

  • Ravi is reading a book. (Proper Noun: Ravi, Common Noun: book)
  • The team is playing a game. (Collective Noun: team, Common Noun: game)
  • She felt a lot of happiness when she won the prize. (Abstract Noun: happiness)
  • There is water in the bottle. (Uncountable Noun: water)