Quiz Part – II (Total Numbers of Question = 28 )
Take a copy and pen and write the definition of “balanced diet”
Balanced Diet that have all the nutrients that our body needs, in right quantities with roughage and water.
#1. If the vegetables and fruits are washed after cutting it may result in the loss of some vitamins
#2. Repeated washing of rice and pulses may remove some vitamins and minerals present in them
#3. Cooking of food results
Select all that apply:
#4. Vitamin C never destroyed by heat during cooking
#5. Person Eating too much of fat rich food may suffer from condition called …….
#6. If food not contain a particular nutrient continues over a long period of time the person may suffer from its …………
#7. Diseases that occur due to lack of nutrients over a long period of time called …….. ……….
#8. Lack of proteins for long time
Select all that apply:
#9. Deficiency in both carbohydrates and proteins for long period of time may result ………
#10. Lack of vision due to vitamin ……
#11. Beriberi is due to vitamin …….
#12. Scurvy is due to vitamin …..
#13. Rickets is due to vitamin ………
#14. Lack of calcium results ……
#15. Lack of iodine result …….
#16. Anaemia due to lack of ………….
#17. Symptoms of weak muscles related to ……… disease
#18. Symptoms of bleeding gums and wounds take longer time to heal is related to ……… disease
#19. Symptoms of bones become soft and bent is related to ……… disease
#20. Symptoms of weak bones and tooth decay is due to ………..mineral
#21. Symptoms of swollen neck glands and mental disability is related to ……… disease
#22. Symptoms of weakness is related to ……… disease
#23. …… provides energy to our body
Select all that apply:
#24. ……… are needed for the growth and the maintenance of our body.
Select all that apply:
#25. ……. help in protecting our body against diseases.
Select all that apply: