Change in Passive voice
#1. You call her.
#2. They play tennis.
#3. We write letters.
#4. She loves me.
#5. The lion killed the deer.
#6. They trapped the cat.
#7. He ate an mango.
#8. The girls flew a kite.
#9. Who praised you?
#10. He will write a poem.
#11. You willk win her favour.
#12. They will organizae a picnic.
#13. Who will make the cake?
#14. Girls are playing tennis.
#15. His teacher is scolding Harry.
#16. Raju was closing the gate.
#17. A girl was killing a fly.
#18. We were learning grammar.
#19. You will be comming to me.
#20. I have taken the tea.
#21. You have stolen my money.
#22. He has completed the work.
#23. The police had caught the criminal.
#24. You had played a trick.
#25. You shall have helped her.
#26. You will have purchased a bike.
Total question : 27 Nos.