#1. You _____ be careful while crossing the road.
#2. All the childeren ___ be happy to help you clean the garden.
#3. When ___ you be back from China?
#4. Raju ___ come and join us as soon as he is in City.
#5. _____ I call a lawyer for you?
#6. We _____ show respect for our elders.
#7. You ___ abide by the rules of the country if you don’t want to be punished.
#8. ___ you mind shifting to the door seat ?
#9. Raju ____ help you organize the exam.
#10. The Prime Minister ___ address the nation on the occasion of the Independents Day.
#11. ____ my brother come out of coma!
#12. Criminal ____ be punished.
#13. Sneha ___ swim for three hours when she way young.
#14. The visitors ___ not go beyound this boundary.
#15. The doctors did all that they ____ to save the patient.
#16. We ___ avoid war if we have to survive.
#17. The rich ___ not worry much for getting the necessities of life.
#18. A judge ___ be impartial and upright.
#19. ____ I go to ofice, today?
#20. ____ the news be true?
#21. Nobody ____ speak against the police.
#22. There days we ___ to depend so much on landline.
#23. Children ____ respect their elders.
#24. How ___ you enter my home?
#25. One ___ obey the traffic rules.
#26. They ___ go out on Sundays when they were children.
#27. ____ I remind you of your promise?
#28. You ___ help your aged parents.
#29. Everybody ____ pay the income tax.
#30. He ___ do this heavy work.
Rewrite the following sentences useing the verb “have to”
#31. Ravi and his brother are obliged to work hard for their living.
#32. It is rains, we shall be obliged to stay indoors.
#33. We were obliged to travel by car.
#34. The ladies of the village are compelled to sell their ornaments.
#35. It is important for us to leave at once.
Fill in the blanks.
#36. We __ help the poor and the weak.
#37. They __ not allow so many visitors to see him.
#38. All men ___ live like brothers.
#39. It ___ have given the poor animal a lot of relief.
#40. You___ tell me the truth.
#41. ____ I pay the remaining bill?
#42. He ___ reached home by now.
#43. We ___ help our elders.
#44. They ____ have reached the station on time.
#45. He ___ help his brother in need.