Multiple Choice Questions : 28 Nos

#1. Express 256 as a power 2.
#2. Which one is greater

#3. 16000
Express the following numbers as a product of powers of prime factors:

#4. 432
#5. Find the value of 3 raised to the power 3
#6. Find the value of 4 raised to the power 5.

#7. Express the following in exponential form axaxaxbxbxcxcxcxdxd

#8. Express the 5 × 5× 7 × 7 × 7 in exponential form.

#9. Express 3125 using exponential notation

#10. Express 729 using exponential notation:
#11. Which number is greater number
#12. Which number is greater number
#13. Which number is greater number?

#14. Express 3600 as product of powers of their prime factors

#15. Simplify

#16. Simplify

#17. Simplify

#18. Simplify

#19. Simplify

#20. select

#21. Select

#22. Select

#23. Express the terms in the exponential form

#24. Expresss in the exponential form

#25. Simplify and write the answer in the exponential form

#26. simplify and write in exponential form.

#27. simplify and write in exponential form.